Main Menu
- Home
- About Us
- Your Reps
- Policies
- News
- Sorry, A + E is heaving
- Midlands Ambulance Bosses told to improve
- Opt out of Foundation Trust in WMAS
- Driver who rushed dying man to hospital calls for health service response
- Region's ambulance numbers to be slashed
- Weekly Briefing 250 from WMAS
- Man airlifted from M6
- Top performing Ambulance Service
- Ambulances fitted with fuel cells
- Safety Fears over Ambulance Fleet
- Struggling ambulance service has a lot to do
- Speeding Paramedic kills mother
- Money 'wasted' sending more than one ambulance
- Transforming Ambulance Services
- WMAS second worst response times
- London Ambulance Service downed by upgrade cock up
- Fair Fuel Prices
- Paramedic defends staff amid 'tea break' row
- WMAS Weekly Briefing
- WMAS Top Performers
- Defend the right to strike
- Major shake-up Midlands ambulances
- Our ambulance service is ‘at bottom of the pile'
- Service not for sale
- Shropshire paramedic cleared of misconduct charge
- East Midlands Ambulance Service Appoint New Chairman
- Ambulance and Police together
- Boring jobs can cause burnout
- Highley CFR's get dedicated vehicle
- Ambulance Staff wrongly blamed
- From The Webmaster
- Your leave and rota meeting
- Night shifts bad for health
- Leave & Rotas Meeting
- Paramedic honoured
- Partnership between employers & trade unions
- New 999 priority system
- Staff meeting at Dudley
- Lifesavers slam plan to axe ambulance stations
- Community Paramedic Role
- Grievances against Managers
- Guidance on delays at hospital
- New ambulances and paramedics for Lincolnshire
- Ambulance crews snub bid to end row over tea breaks
- West Midlands Ambulance Service in 'crash card' call
- MP hits out at rising management costs
- Are we condemned?
- Ambulance service leads the way in staff engagement
- Who should drive the ambulance?
- Ambulance Service 'satisfactory'
- Many calls aren't emergencies
- Air ambulance set to become an independent charity
- Public Disorder Notice from WMAS
- Former A.P.A.P. Head suspended
- PM discusses fightback
- Paramedic cyclist service withdrawn
- WMAS loses contract
- Chiefs could face £3m fine
- Motorcyclist lying injured in the road dies after being run over by an ambulance
- 'Big Brother' comes to WMAS
- The couple who dialled 999 for ambulance to save their five-year-old
- Pedestrian hit by ambulance dies
- Paramedic left disabled after botched operation
- Check your details are correct
- Sutton pensioner denied ambulance
- Great Western Ambulance Service to find partner
- NHS Unions Unite to Fight Pension Changes
- FS mail users
- Ambulance Service sending untrained staff to emergencies
- Speed, things you should know
- Take Action Today!!!!
- Information for Advanced Technicians
- NHS Pensions Briefing
- FS mail users please note
- Short notice shift changes
- Help To Revolutionise The Recording Of Patient Information
- Big shake-up planned
- Vote yes for industrial action on pensions
- Medic shot by gunman
- Unsocial Hours Payments
- Your pension
- Assaults on ambulance staff on the increase
- Ambulance trust figures published
- Ambulances Services Benevolent Fund
- Weekly Briefing exits WMAMBO site
- Vote 'yes' for Industrial Action
- Air Ambulance seeks night time flying funds
- Ambulance Station Closures
- Pensions Meetings
- More Pensions Meetings
- Great Western Ambulance Merger
- Pensions page
- NHS hid mistake over girl's asthma death
- Biggest ballot in UK history
- NHS Reforms - URGENT petition
- Action on Pensions
- Nurses fear for jobs as others face cuts in pay
- Private 999 ambulances cost criticised
- Prevention of Foodborne Disease: The Five Keys to Safer Food
- 999 is for life threatening emergencies
- WMAS Staff balloted over strike plan
- URGENT - to all members
- Ballot threatens 999 services in Midlands
- Bad bosses are bad for business
- Grim tide hits Public Sector
- Ambulance timewasters
- Ambulance Service increases private crews
- Ambulances praised for safety
- 999 staff sickness could hit calls
- Fears over Ambulance Service planned cuts
- Members vote YES in strike ballot
- Workers ill-treated at work
- Pensions reform
- Union hit back over pensions strike ballot
- Ambulance Trust threatens redundancies
- Budget cuts affect patient care
- Industrial Action 30th November 2011
- Congratulations W.M.A.S.
- Nov 30th. Day of Industrial Action
- 999 pest ends up in court
- Take over of Great Western
- Industrial Action Day Nov. 30th 2011
- Tips for successful industrial action
- Industrial Action Urgent Notice
- Unfair private sector pensions are no model for public sector
- Industrial Action being taken November 30th Your instructions
- Industrial Action Meetings
- Make your voice heard on November 30th
- Message from our Full Time Officer
- Paramedic suspended for snorting gas
- Paramedic crashes into bus shelter
- Don't be a timewaster
- Trust of the Year
- Ambulance & Fire Stations
- Norovirus outbreak at 35 hospitals
- Health Pensions Response 19th Dec 2011
- Fast-response cars means some ambulances are taking longer to reach seriously ill patients
- Thieves steal ambulance equipment worth £40k
- Ambulance staff balloted on rest breaks deal
- Probe into OAP's 999 ambulance wait
- Happy Christmas
- The Future of the London Ambulance Service
- Drugs stolen from ambulance
- Ambulance Services at breaking point
- Hospital-based care 'must change'
- Happy New Year
- Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal
- Message from our General Secretary
- Ambulance service cracking down on 999 misuse
- CCTV catches Paramedic
- Ambulance crew rest breaks
- Ambulance 999 abuse
- A case of over-kill or not?
- Ambulance Service in foundation status push
- Ambulance destroyed by fire
- Asthma death of girl seven
- Nurses face work abuse
- Second best in country
- Break deal will create jobs
- Ambulance crews get kids wrapped up in the work of 999 services
- Community ambulance station revealed
- Annual General Meetings
- Make Ready in Shropshire
- UNISON's protection extends outside work
- Job pressures led to suicide
- Rethinking the ambulance
- Worst sickness rate in NHS
- Paramedics left man to die at party
- Strike letter
- Crews to 'tweet' working life
- Driving Policy (Interim)
- Network of Community Stations
- Excessive working time causes depression
- Bike 4 Life Easter Run
- Staffordshire Locality UNISON AGM
- £2m ‘head start’ funding for 111 bid
- Clinical Responsibility
- 999 patients failed by Ambulance Trusts
- Paramedic sues bosses
- Delay NHS 111 phoneline rollout
- Blue Light Aware
- 999 calls lost
- Air Ambulance fuel VAT
- Ambulance demand increases REAP Level 4
- Boy 9, who died after ambulance was delayed
- Don't forget stress during recession
- Service fails in contract appeal bid
- Appeal for volunteers for ambulance scheme
- Tories vote to end facility time at council
- Black Country AGM postponed
- Scrap NHS reforms
- Paramedics sign up to help research project
- Ambulance Service becomes foundation trust
- RRV Responders riding ambulances
- Private ambulances used for emergency calls
- Firefighter injured by faulty doors
- One in 25 bosses 'is a psychopath'
- Speaking up for NHS
- Annual General Meetings Dudley and Shrewsbury
- Closing 50 ambulance stations proposed
- Job cuts in Ambulance Service
- In need of cash injection
- Pension proposals final
- Facility Time in facts & figures
- Fat Cats paid more than PM
- Inquest into 'sat nav fault' death
- WMAS Operational Strategy & Operating Model
- Upset at ambulance delay
- Ambulance Chief earns more than Prime Minister
- Special Meeting - Pensions
- Sickness levels hit ambulance service
- Agenda for Change battle
- Staff ‘devastated’ at loss of 90 ambulance jobs
- Proposed Fuel Strike
- Special Notice
- Crash victim declared dead survives
- We're paid too much says Treasury
- Cutting £20bn from the NHS – and spending £5,000 a month on expenses
- Left bleeding for 33 minutes by WMAS
- Sickness Absence
- Pain relief cuts heart attack victims survival chances
- Shift workers 'risking' Type 2 diabetes and obesity
- 2 hour wait for ambulance by boy aged 12
- NHS and civil servants plan pension strike in May
- Ambulance Service shrinks
- Air Ambulance costs need state support
- 68-year-old paramedics would be health hazard
- Call centre workers suffer voice problems
- Lower pay for NHS staff in poorer areas
- Two NIAS paramedics attacked in one week
- Council accused of 'social cleansing'
- UNISON has concerns with WMAS
- Referrals to the H.P.C.
- Clinical documentation - why so important?
- Ambulance driver fined for speeding
- Paramedic boasts on Facebook
- Daylight could reduce risk of heart attack
- UNISON NHS pension ballot result
- London Ambulance Service selects top talent
- Ambulance Chiefs given pay rise
- East Midlands Ambulance Service misses a national response time
- Community First Responders
- Air Ambulance Ball, Pride Ball and Equality & Diversity
- Probe over misconduct claim
- Ambulance service is failing staff, says MP
- 999 response change 'will save lives'
- Trust welcomes changes to clock start
- Ambulances should respond to more life & death calls within 8 minutes
- Transport for head injuries research
- Hope that new scheme will cut ambulance response times
- Come and have a chat at Dudley Hub
- Jubilee Bank Holiday Cover
- Paramedic Struck Off
- Heat leads to big surge in 999 calls
- Lower pay for NHS staff suggested
- Ambulance trust raises concern about NHS 111
- Air Ambulance trials brain cooling device
- Our right to privacy is under threat
- Government dragging its heels over needlestick horror
- Presenteeism warning
- Need any help? Why not contact us?
- UNISON duty of care handbook for members working in health and social care
- Tory MP criticises Chancellor
- Manager sacked after probe into misconduct
- Paramedic deflated ambulance tyre
- Mad dash to ambulance station as 999 call put on hold
- Ambulances fail to reach 999 targets in Shropshire
- NHS boss is a convicted rapist who kidnapped and throttled a woman
- WMAS & Secondary Employment
- UNISON and GMB to form powerful new alliance
- Two Chiefs in the news
- Ambulance cuts 'put patients at risk'
- Bank Holidays, Annual Leave, TOIL
- Struck off for stealing morphine
- Walsall Manor Hospital A&E death
- Midlands medics to support London 2012
- Survey - Reduction in night cover at WMAS
- Networking & Social Media Websites
- Plan to shut ambulance stations and axe management posts is revealed
- Cuts to pay of up to 15%
- Breakdown in Industrial Relations & Partnership Working at WMAS
- Ambulance Service relocates paramedic
- Night shifts can raise risk of heart attacks and strokes by more than 40%
- Results of survey into reduction of night cover in WMAS
- Ambulance in A49 death crash
- Paramedic raises concerns over changes in Ambulance Service
- Paramedic's £5,000 payout
- Union demands answers over failings
- Group campaigns against ambulance cuts
- Kidderminster ambulance station sale fears
- Ambulances responding faster
- Paramedic sacked after death of man
- Coroner to raise concerns over 999 wait
- Hub will be at business centre site
- TUC calls on Sun to check their facts
- Ambulances in £3m upgrade
- London top in cardiac arrest survival rates
- Tax Relief on your UNISON subs
- Paramedics at risk
- Paramedic fatigue blamed
- No confidence in management
- Talk to East Midlands Ambulance Service staff at engagement event
- Ambulance Service still in the spotlight
- Police ‘having to cover for ambulance cuts'
- Office work can harm you
- Dial 999 and wait
- Ambulance Station may open next month
- HCPC Consultation
- No way to postcode pay
- Industrial Relations at WMAS NHS Trust
- Peter Bradley off to New Zealand
- Road safety fears at new Shrewsbury ambulance hub
- Ambulance case is a cause for major concern
- NHS ambulance boss struck off
- Unison and GMB unions planning co-ordinated strikes over pay
- Paramedic ‘feared for his life’ following attack by patient
- Ambulance Service issues apology over Hillsborough
- Paramedic not unfairly dismissed for "tapping" woman
- Staff Survey - What WMAS is doing
- Savings targets will be missed until urgent care improves
- Is the HSE keeping women in the dark?
- Smiling paramedic poses for pictures taken by police officer
- Baby wrongly pronounced dead by a paramedic
- Private Ambulances cost service £364,000
- REAP Level 4 again for WMAS
- Jab that can trick the heart into healing itself
- Scandal of the A&E closures
- Union vows to fight plans to change service
- Girl, two, died from meningitis after paramedic sent ambulance away
- No attempt to save man dying from cardiac arrest
- A message from your UNISON Branch
- Only quarter of way through 12 year wage dive
- Shropshire doctors predict increase in A&E visits
- Ambulance Service achieves gold
- Paramedic fell asleep and crashed
- Ambulance staff are “stretched to breaking point”
- A&E closures... and Ministers still do nothing
- Paramedic sentenced for road death
- Nudist paramedic suspended for pulling down his trousers
- 'We are haemorrhaging doctors because of A&E chaos'
- Concern over safety law changes
- How our frontline services are being quietly privatised
- Savage Fire Service Cuts
- NHS wastes £7million on ‘sham’ consultation over A&E closures
- Royal reward for Ambulance boss
- Thousands miss the early warning signs of stroke
- Flu jab ‘can halve heart attack risk’
- Heart attack man's three-hour ambulance wait
- Ambulance Service shocking
- Ambulance hubs put lives at risk
- Dial 111 for A&E shambles
- New study finds heart disease has halved since the 1980s
- Angry mother attacks bungling doctors who told her daughter’s broken arm was only a bruise
- Ambulance Service is not yet ready to go it alone as a trust
- New contract for Patient Transport Services
- Ex-Ambulance Service chief denies grooming 15-year-old boy
- Ambulance Service Foundation trust recognised for work
- East ambulance service ‘complacent’
- Closing A&E units is now UK policy
- Austerity fears affect health
- The passing of Lee Morgan, Paramedic
- Questions over volunteer responders amid pay offer to fire service medics
- Boy, 17, died when bungling doctors misdiagnosed his blood poisoning
- Rise in presenteeism a worrying trend
- Ambulance checks to cut A&E patients
- Fire and Ambulance Services to share some sites
- Members meetings with UNISON Officials
- Crash victim praises mystery paramedic for saving lives
- Shocking state of the NHS: Half a million patients forced to wait
- Bournemouth and Christchurch trust makes 'right decision'
- Your Personal Injury Claims Oct. 2012
- UNISON app makes the top 20
- NHS Workforce Statistics
- Proposals on changes to the Agenda for Change agreement
- Funeral of Lee Morgan, Paramedic
- Agenda for Change agreement - proposals for changes
- Taxman wants to break speed limits
- Underemployment - UNISON Response
- Heart that stopped beating for 80 minutes brought back to life
- Heart attack mother turned away from hospital
- Ambulance service heart attack delay prompts criticism
- No time for Fat Cat Ambulance CEOs
- Swine flu victim died after paramedics three times refused to take her to hospital
- Young woman collapses and dies in Shropshire
- One in three patients wait more than four hours in A&E
- Decommissioning the 0845 4647 telephone and associated services
- The introduction of NHS 111
- Family who rushed boy, 7, to A&E with meningitis symptoms are stunned to receive letter accusing them of wasting NHS time
- Britain's tallest paramedic turned his 6ft 8in frame into human ladder
- Half of England’s ambulance services are failing
- Swine flu death: Natural causes verdict
- Scandal of secret plan to axe thousands of hospital beds
- Patient in ambulance crash dies
- Fire chief: ‘Ambulance cuts put lives at risk’
- Five arrested over Carl Cope death at Walsall Manor Hospital
- Ambulance bosses reassure MP
- Ambulance Service refused trust status
- Hospital left patient to starve to death
- Baby scare family in petition for Bridgnorth ambulance return
- Defending Agenda for Change
- Recognition for former ambulance chief
- Shock 37% rise in 'blue light' ambulances that take more than 30 minutes to reach casualty
- Bus driver takes son to hospital in double-decker
- Happy New Year 2013
- West Midlands New Year 999 ambulance calls rise by 15%
- Plans for flats on former Midland ambulance base set for go-ahead
- Baby's wait for WMAS emergency response
- Bullying increase at ambulance service, union claims
- Ambulance Service Trust to put final plan for changes to A&E services to staff on Monday
- Police answer medical calls for unavailable ambulances
- Birmingham UNISON Annual General Meetings
- Paramedic swore, groped trainees and raced another ambulance
- Patients treated in queuing ambulances because hospitals are overrun with norovirus cases
- Good Samaritan's car destroyed after pair given shelter
- Ambulance Service 'took half an hour' to reach dying boy
- Delay in responding to baby at Bridgnorth
- Agenda for Change
- Can 999 services be rescued from the cuts?
- Ambulance Quality Indicators - monthly update for England
- Relief at new Bridgnorth ambulances after battle over timings
- Have your Say page suspended
- Ambulance 'was minutes away from dying boy'
- Staff at Britain's largest ambulance service are in line for rewards
- Shropshire Area AGM
- Staffordshire Area AGM
- Black Country Area AGM
- Have Your Say page under suspension
- Woman waits hour for ambulance after fall
- Grandmother waited four hours for ambulance
- Reducing unfair dismissal compensation will punish victims
- Emergency Services are now in crisis
- Making deliveries in 'slippery boots'
- New forum not UNISON
- 2016
- Have Your Say page deleted
- Big thanks from UNISON
- Reaching category ‘A’ calls with a fully equipped ambulance
- UNISON in WMAS Discount Card
- UNISON agrees changes to Agenda for Change for England
- London Ambulance Chief wants changes
- NHS Staff Survey shines light on Staff fears over shortages
- The Emergency Services Show 25-26 September 2013
- E-ciggies are a problem at work
- Changes to Agenda for Change/Sick Pay
- Personal Injury Settlements
- New UNISON newsletter
- UNISON Staff Survey 2013
- 2,600 NHS workers earn more than Prime Minister
- Baker died just minutes after paramedics left him at party
- Paramedics: Patients are killed by a shortage of ambulances and long delays
- NHS Direct Staff keep their bandings
- Indemnity insurance being a condition of registration
- Stop. Think. Do you Really Need Police?
- Casualty chaos: 999 crews face £90m fines for waiting outside A&E with patients
- REAP Level 4
- AfC Changes to mileage allowances
- AfC changes to unsocial hours payments
- Firefighters to vote on strike action over pensions row
- Personal Injury Claims June 2013
- Solihull Station BBQ
- Consultative Ballot Surgeries Birmingham
- Latest on changes to Agenda for Change payments
- The "Marsh Review" on East of England Ambulance Service
- AfC changes - ballot reminder
- Trust Chief Executive to 'stand down'
- AfC changes - ballot reminder
- ‘Let down’ - no salvation shown to charity workers
- Join us on 29th September
- Unsocial hours changes from 1st September
- Recent letter to WMAS ECPs
- Innacuracies from Kim Nurse
- UNISON rejects changes to unsocial hours payments
- Unions reject AfC changes
- WMAS letter on AfC changes
- Official Dispute by Staff Side Unions
- Reply from Kim Nurse re: Notice of dispute
- Branch Newsletters Nos. 6 & 7
- Special Bulletin AfC
- Ambulance bosses urged to come back to the table or risk strike
- Ambulance bosses warn of compulsory redundancies
- Black Country Staffside Meeting July 2013
- Under pressure ambulance trust sees rise in demand
- Inappropriate use of blue lights
- UNISON & Vauxhall
- Ambulance Service too vital to play games with
- 35 ambulance drivers are to lose their jobs
- 999 patients could be rushed to hospital by Firefighters in adapted fire engines
- First responder sacked for driving at 33mph on the way to 999 call
- NHS Rally - Manchester - 29th September
- Unions against changes to AfC
- Report criticises training of ambulance crews
- Ambulance Service withdraws foundation trust bid
- Your membership details
- e-focus for UNISON Activists
- Branch Newsletter - 9
- Firefighters to take injured to hospital
- Formal Industrial Action Ballot
- Reduce Ambulance retirement age
- Vote YES to protect pay
- Unsocial hours formal dispute
- Mental health at work
- Industrial Action Ballot - meetings
- Employers have offered a ‘deactivation’ of their deductions in return for us suspending our ballot process.
- Vauxhall - The Big Event
- One team - caring for patients
- Unsocial Hours negotiations latest
- Changes to your Meal Breaks
- Mealbreak changes grievance
- Joint Statement on mealbreaks
- Campaign Victory!
- Save with Citysave Credit Union Ltd.
- Season's Greetings
- Latest Branch Newsletter
- Unsocial Hours & Sickness Absence
- NHS Staff Council Unsocial Hours & Sickness Absence
- Joint Statement
- Joint Statement - 3
- Ambulance 'postcode lottery could cost 2,500 lives a year'
- More Welsh Ambulance Service staff off with stress
- Stress in the Ambulance Service Survey
- Night shift-work can lead to 'chrono chaos'
- Campaigning to maintain Agenda for Change
- Talks halted while employers decide if Annex E “hybrid” model a possibility
- Worcestershire UNISON Annual General Meeting
- Health conference backs strike action over pay
- Postal Workers secure pay rise
- Unsocial Hours Update
- Action Over Pay
- Branch Newsletter - May 2014
- WMAS fined £2.6 million for missing response targets
- Firefighters to take patients to hospital
- NHS pay - Join the protest on 5 June
- The right to request Flexible Working
- Branch Newsletter - June 2014
- UNISON ramps up the campaign on pay for NHS workers
- NHS members make the case on pay on their protest day
- General secretary promises an autumn to remember
- Fair Pay for NHS Staff - Ballot for action
- West Midlands Ambulance Service boss in £50k pay rise
- WMAS Chief Executive's Pay
- NHS Pay Ballot
- Ambulance Services saved
- NHS pay ballot VOTE YES
- West Midlands and East of England ambulance chief pay branded 'obscene'
- Right to question ambulance boss pay
- Questions over assistant chief executive’s appointment
- Minister slams expenses of East of England Ambulance Service boss
- NHS Pay Dispute 2014
- Ambulance Trust defends chief over taxi expenses
- VOTE YES to protect your pay
- Please sign - Patient Transport Service Petition
- NHS Pay Ballot - VOTE YES
- NHS Pay Ballot - FAQs
- NHS Staff Ballot
- NHS England ballot opens 28th. August
- Vote YES to protect pay
- Your Pay Your Vote
- Ballot on pay letter
- Station meetings - Pay Ballot
- The hidden crisis in Britain's ambulance services
- Use Your Vote
- NHS Pay Ballot - Your vote counts
- Have you voted? Your time is running out
- Ambulance Pay Newsletter - Sept. 2014
- YES to industrial action
- NHS workers in England have voted in favour of striking over pay.
- NHS England action set for 13 October
- Industrial Action - Letter from General Secretary
- Industrial Action Newsletter
- Ambulance Strike FAQs
- Industrial Action information
- Joint Trade Unions Industrial Action statement
- East of England introduce "senior" roles
- Branch Hardship Fund
- Strike Newsletter
- Only call 999 for the ambulance service if it's a genuine life-threatening emergency
- General Secretary thanks members
- Thank You to all Staff
- Call for tougher sentences for 999 attackers
- Let's mobilise for fair pay - we're worth it
- Industrial action continues
- 999 crew leave body near bins at ambulance station
- Woman dies stuck inside ambulance with a faulty lift
- Dave Prentis says "Thank you"
- Midlands Ambulance Service failing
- NHS ambulance trouble is more complex than miserly Tories and NHS privatisation
- Second four-hour stoppage as pay row escalates
- Industrial Action - 24th. November 2014
- Strike Action Monday 24th November 2014
- Take Action on Monday 24th November
- UNISON reaches agreement with Welsh Government on pay
- Strike FAQs
- End of shift tasking
- Branch Hardship Fund
- 999 operator said 'computer results showed ambulance not needed'
- Police: Stop using us as ambulance drivers
- Praise for 999 crews during strike action
- Thank You newsletter
- Record number of ambulance attendances at Wolverhampton
- Is your call really an emergency?
- New Year Industrial Action
- A Christmas Message for Jeremy Hunt from NHS Workers
- Worried about winter fuel bills?
- Chief executive Anthony Marsh to leave East of England Ambulance Trust
- Industrial Action January 2015
- Industrial Action poster Jan/Feb 2015
- NHS staff to strike in new year
- Ambulance targets: Plan for longer times in England revealed
- Industrial Action News
- New Year's Action for Fair Pay
- Rugby player's 2 hour wait for ambulance
- Ambulance called 231 times to Stourbridge address in just one year
- Industrial Action 29th January 2015
- NHS staff ‘unsocial hours’ payments under threat
- Fatigue: the insidious risk to health and safety
- Tell the government to keep their hand of our unsocial hours payments
- Think really hard on this
- Red stretcher release straps
- Industrial Action Dates & Times
- YOUR Union needs YOU
- 999 downgrade period saw 57 patients die
- Unsocial Hours - options for change
- Paramedic banned from hospital
- Industrial Action Information
- Stay strong to win fair NHS pay
- Industrial Action Suspended
- Strike called off
- Enquiries on Proposals to enhance Para & Tech roles
- NHS Pay Offer
- Probe into late arrival of ambulance
- Quarter of life or death ambulance calls failing to meet target response times - new figures
- Ballot on National Pay Offer 2015
- NHS Pay Proposals - FAQs - February 2015
- Ambulance staff end two-year dispute
- Current Pay Scales
- Annual General Meetings 2015
- Letter to Members - Pay Offer 2015-2016
- Pay Offer - Vote by 10am on 2nd March 2015
- Pay Offer - Steward's Briefing
- Ambulance service seeks to continue NHS 111 number for five more years
- Last chance to have your say on pay
- UNISON NHS members in England accept government’s pay offer
- Unions split over government pay offer
- Leaked report - damning!
- Paramedic Banding
- Dave Prentis : Ambulance workers to be balloted over pay
- Linked Banding Agreement Timeline and Meetings
- Who gives the best CPR? Man or machine
- Under-pressure ambulance staff took an average of 21 sick days EACH last year
- Is the ambulance service in crisis ?
- Unison Pensions Update
- Unison School Uniform Grant 2016
- Petition - Ambulance crews are there when we need them ... now they need our help
- Chief Executive Resigns After Urgent Calls Downgraded
- Northern Ambulance Alliance Launches
- No Ballot Paper ?
- NAO to conduct value for money inquiry of ambulance trusts
- Paramedics told long ambulance handover delays are their fault
- Ambulances 'confiscated' from firm in financial difficulty
- Care at the Scene - Research for Ambulance Services
- Care at the Scene - Research for Ambulance Services
- Linked Banding Agreement Ballot Results
- Ambulance Workforce Update
- Banding Agreement Implementation
- New End of Shift Tasking and Mealbreak Proposals
- PTSD and the Ambulance Service
- *** Unison Meeting***
- Widow to sue after private ambulance 'missed heart attack'
- UNISON wins holiday legal pay appeal
- WMAS Lone Worker Policy used as basis for new East of England policy.
- INTERIM End of Shift Policy
- New Interim End of Shift Policy
- Ambulance crews facing Cramlington hospital handover delays
- Paramedic Banding Update
- The sad passing of Eric Roberts
- Paramedic Banding Update - Action Needed.
- *Attention Student Paramedics*
- NHS faces 'humanitarian crisis' as demand rises, British Red Cross warns
- Ambulance workers claim new cost-cutting measures risk lives
- Ambulance services 'not coping' as demand rises
- WMAS CQC Report
- Morale in Ambulance Service hits rock bottom
- Ambulance boss responds to criticism
- Regional AGM dates
- 'Risk-averse' 111 service sending more callers to struggling A&E and Ambulances
- Birmingham Regional Representative Ballot
- Band 5 and 6 for Ambulance Workforce
- NHS chiefs order hospitals to begin urgent overhaul of A&E care
- Ambulance 999 abuse: Government urged to tackle offensive callers
- London Ambulance Service Crews Issued with 'Spit Kits'
- Ambulance Services Study inquiry
- My ambulance crew is forced to put a plaster over society's failure
- Paramedics taking tens of thousands of days a year off sick with stress
- Ambulance callouts to London police custody suites double in four years
- NHS patients 'are put at risk' in dirty and unhygienic private ambulances
- Nuffield Winter Insight Briefing 3: The ambulance service
- Sharp rise in A&Es turning away ambulances
- Principles of the Newly Qualified Paramedic Consolidation of Learning Programme
- Birmingham Regional Representative Ballot Results
- Ambulance workers are a special breed
- Royal College of Paramedics Block Insurance
- UNISON Forum Invitation
- The Hidden Emergency In England's NHS Ambulance Service
- London paramedic has acid thrown in face by masked man
- Fewer ambulance 999 calls to be called as 'life threatening'
- Nottingham woman jailed for 1800 'abusive' 999 calls
- Pension age change another blow to public sector workers
- I'm a paramedic who has considered suicide and i am getting no support
- East of England paramedic suspended after students allege misconduct
- Ambulance response targets overhauled 'to save more lives'
- Mind Blue Light Champion Poem
- Serious ambulance incidents include rape allegation and 'lost keys' death
- NQP - September Update - Joint Union Notice
- WMAS Sickness Survey
- WMAS Sickness Survey Results
- Stress of job leads 12% of paramedics to take sick days
- Concern raised as spending on private ambulances soars by 22% in two years
- Pay Up Now! – Scrap the pay cap and give public servants a meaningful pay rise - Petitions
- I was sexually assaulted in the back of my ambulance. Frontline staff need protecting
- Revealed: NHS's plans to bar patients from attending A&E without a referral
- Help protect our emergency workers from attacks
- Ambulances failing to reach the most seriously ill patients in time, ITV News investigation reveals
- 'People are dying in front of us': Paramedic claims ambulance delays are killing people every day
- Why some journalists should refrain from criticising how the emergency services respond to terrorist incidents
- Woman waits 2 hours for ambulance on 'incredibly' busy day
- Ambulance A&E delays hit 1 in 8
- The shocking & heart wrenching reality of ridiculously overworked Ambulance Control rooms – written by a shift Manager
- Ambulance staff in Wales say a 'catastrophic crisis' has hit the service
- NHS crisis: Hundreds wait in ambulances outside West Midlands hospitals as beds full to capacity
- Three hour back-of-ambulance wait for Leicester A&E
- 200 ambulance patients hit by hospital check-in delays as emergency cases soar
- Personal Injury Settlements – December 2017
- Plea for motorists to have vigilance after ambulance drivers involved in 90 crashes that were not their fault
- A&E wait times worst on record
- NHS crisis: Nine in 10 ambulance services in England under 'severe pressure'
- A fallen paramedic
- North West Ambulance Service is a 'shambles', MP says
- East of England ambulance delays 'linked to 81 deaths'
- Trio of ambulance trusts selected for £10m NHS England digital improvement scheme
- Pressures ‘far from easing’ even as spring approaches
- Collapsed, septic… and hundredth in line for an ambulance
- Hundreds left waiting for ambulances, says whistleblower as boss apologises
- NHS Trade Unions - Improving NHS pay
- NHS Paydeal Calculator
- NHS pay: Unions agree deal for 1.3 million staff
- 'Before this happened i thought i was immune'
- Can you unlock your unconscious patient’s mobile phone with their thumb?
- NHS Pay Deal FAQs - Ambulance Service
- AACE-Employee Mental Health Strategy Guidance
- NHS workers accept three-year pay deal
- NHS staff vote for 6.5% pay rise
- NHS 111 calls 'incorrectly classified' as serious
- Ambulance staff training call to deal with self-harm incidents
- Patients suffered 'severe harm' in ambulance delays
- Personal Injury Settlements - April 2018
- Personal Injury Settlements - May 2018
- New NHS pay journey tool
- Ambulance staff and Unsocial Hour Enhancements
- NHS Pay Deal - Ambulance specific questions
- School Uniform Grant 2018
- Staff to be forced to wait until August for 'much-deserved' backpay
- OpenDemocracy article on NHS pay
- August Payroll Factsheet
- TWO IN FIVE Paramedics Serving In West Midlands Ambulance Service ATTACKED In 12 Months!
- Son makes 200 mile trip to his mother faster than local ambulance after it takes seven hours to arrive
- HCPC fees hike - email your MP
- Ambulance Damaged After Crew Called To A Child Patient Who Sadly Passed Away
- APPEAL: CCTV Footage Released Of Two Males Police Want To Speak To After RRV Damaged
- NHS England survey reveals 'alarming downturn' in staff wellbeing
- Results for the 2018 NHS Staff Survey are now available
- Tributes paid to 'amazing' nurse who died in car crash after 12-hour night shift
- Unison Annual General Meetings
- NHS Pay calculator for England 2019/20
- Figures show that West Midlands Ambulance Service is getting to more patients quicker than ever
- Paramedics lose 50,000 working days to stress, figures reveal
- Working shifts increases risk of heart disease
- Pension Update
- Trainees on Vehicles
- Trainees on Vehicles
- Payback of Hours
- PPE Not Promises
- Covid-19 Update (April 2020)
- Riddor Reporting Letter
- Revised Tasking of Resources ( March 2020 )
- WMAS Branch Update
- Pension Update July 2020
- 2021 AGM
- Holiday Pay and Overtime
- COVID 19 Response Fund
- Bear Scotland Payments
- Bear Scotland Payments - FAQs
- School Uniform Grants
- 3% Pay Deal
- Pay Deal FAQs
- 2022 AGM Details
- NHS Pay Strike Reballot
- Strike Action by Other Unions
- Start talking to avert health strikes later this month , says Unison
- Re-Ballot Update
- NHS pay: industrial action re-ballot
- Call Assessor Band 4 Grievance
- Don't forget to return your ballot papers
- NHS dispute widens to cover most parts of England, says UNISON
- NHS dispute widens to cover most parts of England, says UNISON
- UNISON to suspend strike to enter NHS pay talks with government
- Strike Re-ballot Results
- Strike Action Update
- NHS pay announcement
- Branch AGM
- Ballot and Pay Deal Update