UNISON believes that all health staff, whatever their jobs, play an important role in caring for patients. However, politicians and mangers often try to divide staff by referring to frontline and back office staff. They believe this makes it easier to sell privatisation and job cuts to the public by claiming that they are protecting frontline staff and patient care while at the same time they are cutting staff and outsourcing departments. UNISON believes that doctors and nurses, midwives and paramedics cannot function effectively without the support of the whole healthcare team. That is why we are launching our One team – caring for patients campaign – to make sure that managers and politicians cannot simply disregard the important jobs that all our members do to deliver high quality healthcare with patients at the heart of everything we do. In order to help us campaign effectively we would like to take a few minutes of your time to complete the attached questionnaire. This will help us to collect evidence about the effect of cuts on patient care, safety and the effect on those staff who are left behind. We will not be able to identify you or where you work from your answers, this is completely anonymous. Once the survey has closed we will be analysing the responses and using them to help us target our campaign effectively. The survey shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes to complete. And the closing date is 30 November 2013. Please click on the link to access survey. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/KTFLGL9


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