UNISON, confirmed yesterday, that it has received a final offer from the government on NHS pensions, and agreed to take it back to its Health Service Executive.

Health officials have issued a warning about the serious threat posed by norovirus after an outbreak has seen cases jump by 20 per cent on this time last year.

Combining ambulance and fire stations will help London Ambulance Service (LAS) cope with growing demand at a time of budget cuts, a report has said.

South Central Ambulance Service NHS Trust (SCAS) has been named trust of the year. The announcement was made at the 2011 Health Business Awards at the Emirates Stadium in north London on Wednesday.

The WMAS Trust is continuing to try and get messages out to the public asking them to ‘Choose Well’ and not abuse the 999 system. A full page article has just been published in the Dudley Together magazine that is being delivered to all homes in the Borough.


The article highlights some of the ridiculous calls that have come through on the 999 lines and also gives practical advice on what members of the public can do instead of asking for an ambulance. The Trust is continuing to highlight the ‘Choose Well’ campaign through articles in the newspapers, on radio, on line and via social media such as Twitter and Facebook.

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