The West Midlands Ambulance Branch of UNISON wishes you all a
 Merry Christmas & A Happy and Prosperous New Year

An investigation has been launched after an injured elderly woman was forced to wait in the cold for an ambulance for an hour and 45 minutes.

Scottish Ambulance Service staff who respond to emergencies are being asked whether they will accept a deal to be compensated if they are made to work while they are on a break. Staff could receive a one-off £1500 payment and £100 every time they are asked to work during a rest break.

AN ambulance service has revealed that it has had equipment worth almost £40,000 stolen from emergency service vehicles during the past five years.

Dial 999, say ambulances, and it's increasingly likely that you'll be sent a car or a motorcycle as trusts use quicker, cheaper vehicles to respond to calls in government-set deadlines, writes Channel 4 News Northern Correspondent Morland Sanders.

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